How Do Braces Work to Improve Oral Health?

Orthodontic treatment can certainly help you achieve a more beautiful, symmetrical smile. But how do braces work to improve your oral health? The fact of the matter is, the benefits of braces reach much further than cosmetic enhancement alone. Orthodontics can also realign your bite for optimal function and oral health. Here, we'll discuss how braces actually straighten teeth. We'll also explore six benefits of braces and explain why orthodontic consultations are a good idea for kids and adults alike.

Facts About Braces: How Do They Straighten Teeth?

Traditional braces are comprised of surgical steel bands, brackets and wires. The brackets are bonded to the surfaces of the teeth and the archwires are connected to them and held in place with o-rings (or elastic bands). This places firm, steady pressure on the teeth and helps gradually shift them into their desired positions over time. This is possible because the teeth are surrounded by ligaments, which connect the teeth to the jawbone. The ligaments respond to the pressure of the braces by loosening up, and once the teeth are in the proper positions, they will tighten again.

6 Benefits of Braces

As aforementioned, braces do more than just straighten teeth. In fact, there are several advantages to undergoing orthodontic treatment. We'll explore a few of them in the sections below.

#1: Cosmetic Enhancement

We'll start with the most obvious benefit. Cosmetic enhancement is one of the most common reasons that individuals seek out orthodontic care. Everyone wants a beautiful smile, and with good reason. A 2012 study indicated that individuals with white, straight teeth are perceived as more successful and happy. But more importantly, an attractive smile gives you the confidence necessary to take on the world.

#2: Better Cleansability

Crooked or overlapped teeth can be extremely difficult to brush and floss, increasing the likelihood of plaque and tartar buildup. Straighter teeth are much easier to clean. Traditional braces or Invisalign® can move your teeth into the proper positions so you can keep them clean and healthy between dental visits.

#3: Improved Bite Function

Malocclusion – or a misaligned bite – can cause discomfort, chewing problems and even speech issues. Orthodontics bring the teeth back into their appropriate positions and improve your bite for optimal function.

#4: Better TMJ Health

All elements work together in harmony for optimal oral health. When the teeth are out of alignment, the jaws may not fit together properly. This can lead to serious TMJ (temporomandibular joint) issues, such as pain, popping and clicking. One of the benefits of braces is that they can often alleviate jaw discomfort and improve overall TMJ health.

#5: Enhanced Confidence and Self-Esteem

When you look your best, you feel your best. Having a beautiful smile not only improves aesthetics but it also boosts your self-esteem and confidence. If you routinely cover your mouth when you smile or laugh due to embarrassment, maybe it's time to consider what braces can do for you.

#6: Reduced Risk of Cavities and Gum Disease

If the teeth are overlapped, crooked or twisted, oral bacteria can accumulate in those hard-to-reach areas, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. When the teeth are in alignment, your toothbrush and floss can remove plaque, tartar and other debris with ease. Straight teeth are healthy teeth!

How to Know if You Need Braces

The best way to know if you qualify for braces is to book an appointment with your orthodontist. If you are concerned about the cosmetic appearance of your smile or suspect that you might have malocclusion or misalignment, talk to your dentist about an orthodontic consultation. Whether you're considering braces for kids or braces for adults, we can help determine your options for achieving a healthy, beautiful, functional smile. A straight smile is attainable at any age.

Enjoy the Benefits of Braces. Schedule an Appointment Today.

Braces give you the best chance for optimal oral health. If you want to find out how orthodontic treatment can improve your overall quality of life, schedule an appointment with Dr. Beth at our Las Vegas, NV practice. Our team has the skill and experience necessary to help you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile that will last for years to come.